
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Summer University of Ramnicu Sarat on the Communism Crimes

1. The Prisons I was so anxious about this summer school. I was thinking many times if it is a good idea to participate or not. I was afraid that I will not be able to take more information about the crimes during communism because already I knew something from Roxana (my colleague from the Historical Film Festival Summer School) and it was so painful to find out what happened in those cruel times.  Roxana:) After her story, I couldn’t sleep a couple of nights. But this it was good. Actually, it was the best preparation for the following hard information. Her introduction in the Communism regime was so helpful for me. In the first day, we went to visit the Ramnicu Sarat Prison . It was the first time in my life when I entered into a prison. This prison was no longer active. Well, this prison was built in the    period of King Charles the First ofRomania ( 1839–1914) as a small prison . In the Communism regime, it was known as the Silen...

The Historical Film Festival from Rasnov

Rasnov is a   Romanian town situated at the   massive Postavaru Mountain , close to the   Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains . It has just 16 000 residents all Romanians, Germans, Romas and Hungarians. The place has a beautiful history from the old times of Dacians (more than two thousands years ago) when the place had the name Komidava, after Cumidava. People in here like to say that this place had the most ancient Romanian roots from the Tharacians, Dacians (a Thracians family), Romans (after the Roman colonization). Well, in 1331, the area appears in documents as “Rosnou” (the “Rose meadow” in German)   and in 1343 as “Rosnov”. From those times, the town developed as a noticeable economic area through the craft guilds like woodworkers, glassmakers, weavers, soon after, gunpowder producers. Tourism was also developed.   And because Rosnov was situated in an open area, on a road between “Tara Barsei” and “Pasul Bran” and many invaders (mostl...

Political Communication Summer School

Sometimes it is good to do a little bit from something completely different than you used to do before. So, after my friend Emil gave me the idea, I have applied for the Political Communication Summer School organized in Brasov - a nice mountain town. I was not so sure about my application (an essay like a newspaper article where I wrote about monarchy – you can read it in here - , and a CV with no link to politics). But they accepted me and offered a full scholarship. The first day was amazing. As I go for more than 8 years to summer schools, I could say from the start that this one has the best accommodation I have ever seen for a student course.     The hotel   was amazing indeed and the room where I   lived with another participant, truly excellent. I slept like a baby every night in there. The food was very good as well. I can say only : well done dear organizers! When I will orrange a summer school,...