Miss so much Romania

Well.....I was last days to Romania for my dissertation! Now I have a master in International Management and Marketing....wauuu! Good mark, good memories! So...now i do not have any occasion to go again in Bucharest! I will stay here, finishing my MA in Film, Hystory and Television...!

After this.....I take my PhD, a traineeship as well.....but I intend to do in the same time something alce....like painting, dancing, fashion creating, etc.

So, in Bucharest was amazing. I met with my classmates from high school, with my undergraduate classmates, with my master classmates as well! I was to skating (I love skating!!!!!!!!!!), walking in park with Teo....(so nice and romantic):)..than met with Toma (a very clever boy - he knows Japonese, he spiks English like a native Englishman, now he is studying Russian language..wau....and he likes politics, hihi)


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