This post will change your mind about mental health

I just read a book about schizophrenia. It was written by Nathan Filler, a professional mental health nurse in the UK. This book is amazingly useful for all of us as human beings. To read it was easy, but now, the most difficult part is to write about it. I spent the entire night thinking how to start and what to write. - Start with the start, Victoria! - Right! :) Accepted or not, we all have mental inconveniences, from anxiety, depression, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) to schizophrenia and the huge problem is that most of us suffer of anosognosia (where someone is not able to perceive the deteriorating condition of their mental health) too. Sometimes we grow up knowing that we have a problem, but we are too ashamed to speak loud about it or too afraid to admit you have the problem (because of social pressure). ...