First day at European Commission, the Publications Office - TED

It was so hard to woke up and be present at the Drosbach Building to meet Mrs Jeanne Guth who welcomed all the trainees into the EC world. After I presented all my documents (stuffs like degree transcripts, medical certificate, identity card, contract, end so on), madam Jeanne introduced me with all the information it was planned to be found out about what I will do, who will be my tutor, where to go for my badge, with whom to talk when I will arrive in the building where I will work, what events will be organized for trainers, etc. In the end she wished me a good luck with a warm smile on her face, she recommended if I will enjoy the work in there, to apply for a job at EC and she ended with: “vous etes tres simpatique” which gave me a bit more self confidence.

She explained where to go after and I take the bus (because in the morning I have taken a taxi which asked me to pay 18 euro for 6 minutes travelling), I paid 1,50 euro and I arrived at Jeanne Monet building, at the Security Department where I made my bedge. Of course they didn’t write my name correctly and for three days (until I have received another bedge) I was Vitoria Baltag instead of ViCtoria Baltag. Funny, I didn’t feel good at all with that new name..and I wanted so much to be again VICTORIA!

Anyway….after this I had my lunch in the same building at the European Commission cantine and I paid for a bit of meat and vegetables, 8 euro. Be sure I have told them I am trainee in there and I have a lunch discount….some days after I found out that the discount is ONLY for the “plait du jour” .

At three o’clock I was present at Mercier Building. There I was welcomed by madam ....................(a very clever and friendly German lady), Mr Kunzler introduced me with the people from the Department. I have noticed that there are two Romanians girls already (Smaranda – who is Moldavian as me, and Anca from Bucharest) In the same dau I met Alina as well - all of these three Romanian girls are wonderfull, with an amazing soul indeed (Smaranda and Alina helped me a lot....).

Also I met my tutor, Mr Fernandez. He introduced me with the TED (The Tender Daily Unit) website, he gave my tasks and he allowed me to get used with the program and adapt myself. Maybe Mr Fernandez (who is so modest and always tell me to call him on his first name) is imagining I am a very lazy girl…this because I didn’t do too much these days. But I promise you will be proud of me in the end! This is my working style…step by step….maybe I am not efficient enough with this style..who knows?:)))

In the end of the day I have arrived in my new office and I met my new colleague, Mr Tibor. Both us want to practice on French language…so we struggle every day talking a bit of French.


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