The MARRIAGE in Saudi Arabia

Strange or not, the marriage in Saudi Arabia is a beautiful story. I know that “someone” in there regrets that it told me this, but now I know it and  I will tell it to everyone, heheheheJ

Definitely, when it is about marriage, the men needs to decide he wants to marry. And from that time he starts to look forward to pick up a girl.

Well, most of the women in Saudi keep their face hidden from age of 12-14th ..and for the poor Saudi young men will be so difficult to choose someone. The easier way is to go for a girl from the family (a cousin for example). Yes, it is true, you can marry with your cousin!:)  Eh, when you have decided that she is the one, you need to go and “negociate” with the girl’s family. And you need to pay at least 40 000 Riyals (this is the limit, but some people paid more than 100 000 Riyals) for the bride’s family. With this money, the family will take care of the wedding and other stuffs. After this, the future groom will offer to the future bride a necklace value of another 10 000 Riyals at least and many other presents of another 10 000 Riyals  at least. When the young men will come to visit his future wife, he will bring presents for the future mother in law as well.  Well, not so many young man have this amount of money. Many of them take big loans from the bank for this marriage ritual.

The wedding will come and after this, the young couple will want to live in a new house without the husband’s or wife’s  parents. But in Saudi, to have your own house it is a real blessing. Only a few people live in their own house, but most of them rent a place to live. The costs of buying a house are very high and it is near impossible to save in a life time enough money to afford your own house. The lands are also very expensive, it’s like a fortune a piece of space to build a house.

Anyway, in a rented place or not, the new couple is expecting to have at least one or two children. The man will provide everything for the family and for his wife and their children. In Saudi Arabia most of the women don’t work, they keep safe the house and take care of the kids. So, the husband needs to provide everything that the wife needs. In some cases, the husband  give to the wife a monthly allowance of 200 Riyals at least as a plus J . Many  woman are really spoiled and the husband spends sometimes all his money only to buy things for his wife. And because the money are not ever enough, the man needs to start a business. Because it is not allowed to start a business and work for somebody in the same time, most of men put the business on the sister’s or wife’s name.

Once married, the couple is supposed never to divorce. In case of divorce (if it is the husband fault) , the men needs to provide everything for the woman and their child. If the woman will marry again, the new husband will take care of everything. It is up to the wife if she wants to work, study or continue her career. This things will be decided sometimes before marriage with the future husband approval of courseJ. Bear in mind, she can not drive, she has not to many rights in the society. The main role of the woman remains inside of  the family. But this will be no longer the same.

If the chosen woman for marriage is not a Saudi Arabian one, the young couple need to have the approval from one of the Prince or from the King. Any way, it would be a long and difficult process. Please see this article about the situation of marriage between a Saudi Arabian guy and a non Saudi girl :

How about the European style? Well, in here…they receive an engagement ring ..if they are lucky. About taking care…the woman needs to work and provide money for the family as the men does. If she has more money than the man, even better. Only one of ten women  receive jewelry from their husbands, but 9 of 10  man like to receive and accept presents and attentions from their girlfriends/ wifes.


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  2. ohhh..don't be sad because of the guy who told me these things,hahahah:) no need. Actually he is a very handsome Saudi young man, very calm, clever and polite. And he knows to make a woman happy a lot. And he met "some" nice girls in his life too. So, he is lucky:)

    Yes, I know what you say about generalazing. I didn't say that I am agree or not, I just put in there another oppinion.

    And YES, "You are what you are!" And you are so GREAT!

    I love u

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    1. Hahah, so ..i can't undesrsand how vome you like to see me upsait, hahhahah!!!Anyway I don't mind when you tease me:)

      Always will love you!


  4. wow this is an interesting article! congrats. But Im so wonder about the marriage permission, because when you et the government to decide about your life this is like say bye bye to your freedom, and I think it's the second most important right after the life, So.. I understand it's a different culture, and I know some couples arab-foreign and some of them have perfect lifes, but some foreign women suffer because of the difference of everything!. But on the other hand this is something you need yo learn how to live with, the bad thing that I totally disagree is about the marriage permission!! where is the freedom to do your life like you want ?. Good article Victoria :) ... I don´t know where to set to post my comment jaja because ur blog is in... romanian (Im not sure if this is the language) but here I go...

    1. Heyy!!!You, this is the right place to put your comment! The permission for the marriage is just to protect them, especially because they both come from different cultures and even they micht love.....after some time they both can suffer as you said, because of so many diferences! That is the rule....each countr with it's rule, haha:) Kiss

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  6. Ahmad: No one in this World can stop you to do what YOU want!!!!Even the country's rule!

    I miss u!

    Kisses and hugs


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